SuperUser Account / Monday, March 19, 2018 / Categories: News Yarrie Lake Fundraiser Update. Collins Park Lighting committee assignment was to assist The Trust in raising funds to do a test bore and with our community and corporate citizens, we have been very successful in this endeavour. We also stated in public that we would assist The Trust in gaining grants to complete the test bore or turn the test bore into a fully functioning bore to supply water to Yarrie Lake. We have had very successful meetings with the local member Kevin Humphries and Narrabri Shire Council we have assisted the trust with a 5-year financial plan and a 5-year business plan which was requested by the council for them to be in a position to assist us should we find adequate water at Yarrie Lake. In February we had a meeting with the Local Member, The Trust and Crown Lands and all was looking very positive. The Trust need the permission of the owner of the Lands (Crown Lands) to seek approval to drill a test bore. Hopefully, all boxes will be ticked by the 20th of this month. The Trust is the only committee that can sign off on this project. We would encourage members who have committed funds to this project to contact their local member or a member of the Yarrie Lake Trust to show their enthusiasm for the project. The Festive Season is upon us Update on the Yarrie Lake Project Print 3375 Rate this article: 3.3