Yarrie Lake Test Bore Update Yarrie Lake Test Bore Update 25 January 2020 SuperUser Account / Thursday, January 30, 2020 0 2258 Article rating: No rating With a few stories doing the rounds, I just wanted to clear up a few points. • We have permission from the Yarrie Lake Trust to drill a test bore. • A grant is available to more than cover the cost. • Drilling to a max depth of 400m to hopefully tap into the warm bore water of the Great Artesian Basin. •DPI do not see the lake as a fish habitat and have no issue with the project. Read more
Update from the Collins Park Lighting Group regarding the Yarrie Lake Project Update from the Collins Park Lighting Group regarding the Yarrie Lake Project Where is it up to now. SuperUser Account / Monday, December 9, 2019 0 2801 Article rating: 4.5 Collins Park Lighting has not given up on a test bore at Yarrie Lake. We approached Roy Butler, the new local member to talk to the Trust about their concerns about the bore at Yarrie Lake, so we can all help to get this project moving. Collins Park Lighting also employed Tahlee Consulting Services(Bernie Martin) to map the lake, to get an accurate picture-size, megs and to see if a bore of 150megs would make a difference in keeping the water level above the plimsoll line. A big Thank You to A.J- Andrew John, Peel Valley Machinery for doing the mapping and all your support. The report is in and the news is fantastic. Read more
Message from Lester Kelly to the Yarrie Lake Flora and Fauna Trust Message from Lester Kelly to the Yarrie Lake Flora and Fauna Trust SuperUser Account / Tuesday, June 26, 2018 0 3574 Article rating: 4.0 To the Yarrie Lake Flora and Fauna Trust I talked to your President yesterday about your recent post!! I asked Bernie did he remember the application the Trust made to State Tourism in March 2017. Read more
Update on the Yarrie Lake Project Update on the Yarrie Lake Project SuperUser Account / Wednesday, June 20, 2018 0 3139 Article rating: 4.0 Please click the link to read the Letter sent to the Yarrie Lake Trust from Lester Kelly. I have spoken to the Yarrie Lake Trust president, unfortunately, he hasn’t given me any indication of what the trust has done or has any intention of doing. The trust has not responded to any of the letters they’ve received. I believe that the public deserves a better response to the questions being asked, considering the enthusiasm with which we got behind this project. Read more
Yarrie Lake Fundraiser Update. Yarrie Lake Fundraiser Update. SuperUser Account / Monday, March 19, 2018 0 3404 Article rating: 3.3 Collins Park Lighting committee assignment was to assist The Trust in raising funds to do a test bore and with our community and corporate citizens we have been very successful in this endeavour. We also stated in public that we would assist The Trust in gaining grants to complete the test bore or turn the test bore into a fully functioning bore to supply water to Yarrie Lake Read more